Pass the OT

Study preparation guide for the NBCOT® exam! Here is a definitive guide to pass the NBCOT® exam, from the essential topics you need to know to practice questions.

Pass the OT is the most effective test prep for the NBCOT® Exam. Since launching in June of 2013, their NBCOT® exam prep course and one-on-one personal tutoring have helped over 2300 students pass the occupational therapy test (NBCOT® exam).  Their online course consists of eight easy-to-use modules all filed with useful charts, practice quizzes, video and audio lessons. 

Pass the OT also has the most dedicated and knowledgeable tutors, to help you pass the NBCOT® exam, all available for one-on-one personalized tutoring.

Our Highly Acclaimed Web Course Are for:


  • OT Exam


  • OTA Exam


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Test Prep for NBCOT® Exam


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